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Teacher Coles English Corner

Application for Employment

Level 1 Teacher

Proud and Professional

​Application Process/Requirements/Pay


Application Process:

All applicants are given equal opportunity to apply and be considered for a position at Teacher Coles English Corner. During the application process, we will be verifying your application, provided information, teacher videos, and essay to make a final decision. Please feel free to include any extra pertinent information that you feel will make you stand out from the crowd and showcase your unique and compelling teaching skills!



  1. Completed Application Form

    • CV/Resume may be submitted in lieu of pgs 3-6 of the application packet

  2. Teacher Video - There are 2 options for a Teacher Video

    • you may submit more than one​

    1. One(min) – Two (max) minute introduction Video *Required

    2. 3-5 min Demo/Introduction Video *optional but recommended

  3. Proof of Education / Certifications

  4. ​Proof of Citizenship or 5yrs min living/working experience in a native English-speaking country.

  5. Written Response: Personal Insight

  6. Internet – 10mbs Minimum

  7. Computer – i3 processor Minimum

  8. Zoom/Voov Accounts - *Free Versions

  9. LINE/WeChat Accounts​

  10. Wise Account​

    • PayPal is an acceptable alternative (fees may apply)

  11. Google Account 

    1. Gmail – Teacher.FirstName.LastName@gmail
    2. Google Drive



  1. Base Salary:

    • $12/hr (USD) for 1-on-1 lessons

    • Group Lesson / Lending Program Eligibility - TBD

  2. Incentive Pay Opportunities:​

    • $1/hr for Upgraded Homework Packages​

    • $1/hr for Adult Lessons

    • **After a probationary period and assessment, Teachers are eligible to be added to the Group Lesson Booking Schedule

  3. Merit & Performance Reviews:

    • Base salaries are for the duration of the probationary period. Salary increases are based on performance review and merit.


Submission of Application:

All applications should be submitted to:

Subject: TCEC Teacher Application

Teacher Coles English Corner

Application for Employment

Application Form


  • Are you ready to begin your own journey? 

  • Are you prepared to be an amazing teacher embarking on a voyage of discovery with your students?

Then click here, TCEC-Hiring Packet to download our Hiring Packet and join our growing group of outstanding teachers.

I look forward to seeing you in class soon!


Teacher Cole

Founder TCEC

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